

  • Developing Entrepreneurship for Children with Intellectual Disabilities (DECIDE)” project was funded by US Embassy Commision Small Grant Program 2020-2021.

The project builds on the developmental and social capital generated by the two cooperating non-Governmental organizations – Georgian Medical Group (GMG) and Georgian Down Syndrome Association (GDSA). The problem that is routinely encountered by every and each family of CIDs (Children with Intellectual Disabilities) is an extremely low chance for CIDs for independent living and income generation. The project activities included the trainings of 50 children with intellectual disabilities and thair parents and intership at the Adjara group hotel. In cooperation with the experts of GDSA, we elaborated a book for CIDs with the description of 20 professions, suitable for beneficiaries.

  • Community Mobilization and working with professional groups on children with disabilities in Adjara” project was funded by UNICEF

10 round table meetings with health professionals and 9 meetings with the community groups focusing on the needs of communities of disabled people were conducted in the Adjara region. The main goal of the project was the public advocacy campaign on the social model of services and approaches for disabilities as well as general disability issues aimed at winning public support. Three months media and public advocacy campaign has been broadcasted by Adjara TV